You can friend me on FACEBOOK as Symboline Dai, or visit My new book, ASTROLOGY ON THE CUSP has just been published and is available all over. More at
Every Monday, 11 am, WCRN 830 AM (until Hank and I get sick of this), will do tasteful yet appealling on-air hype when I'm providing weekly forecasts to listeners...
Jan. 9, 2011, Burlington Public Library, 7 pm Astrology Workshop! I've been doing a few of these around Boston and they are very fun. The economic downturn has affected a lot of people who are between gigs...No need to register, and here's info on BPL:
January 24 and 31, Peabody Library, 7 pm. A two-part natal horoscope workshop. Bring your chart, learn lots more.
Great blog on horoscope! To know more about your sign and future buy popular horoscope books from any online books portal like Hqnindia.