I do not function effectively when temp is over 90. (so why did I live in St. Louis in LA??). I will be at brookline Booksmith July 14 reading from TAE. Come on by....
Every Monday, 11 am, WCRN 830 AM (until Hank and I get sick of this), will do tasteful yet appealling on-air hype when I'm providing weekly forecasts to listeners...
Jan. 9, 2011, Burlington Public Library, 7 pm Astrology Workshop! I've been doing a few of these around Boston and they are very fun. The economic downturn has affected a lot of people who are between gigs...No need to register, and here's info on BPL:
January 24 and 31, Peabody Library, 7 pm. A two-part natal horoscope workshop. Bring your chart, learn lots more.
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