Thursday, November 11, 2010

super nice email!

From: Jennifer
Subject: Re: sally appearances
To: "Sally Cragin"

Can't wait to read your next book. My birthday is August 22, 1966 so I assume I am Leo/Virgo cusp. I loved the  Elements book and have read it twice already. Hope you might be up in NH at some point. I saw you at Gibson's when you were there. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Astrological Elements continue!

Hi there,
I've got a number of bookings for THE ASTROLOGICAL ELEMENTS coming up and I'm working on my next book ON THE EDGE: A FIELD GUIDE TO PEOPLE BORN ON THE CUSP. So if you're born on the cusp GET IN TOUCH!

Thursday, November 18, 6:30-8:30. Workshop on interpreting your natal chart at the Cambridge Center. Visit, keyword "scop" to learn more or sign up!

January, 2011,
Monday, January 9. 7 pm Astrology workshop at the Burlington, MA library
Monday, January 24 and January 31, a two-part workshop on interpreting your natal chart at the Peabody Library.